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I became a god by treasure hunting after arriving 500 years early
I became a god by treasure hunting after arriving 500 years early

I became a god by treasure hunting after arriving 500 years early

291 Chapters 2222 Views 124 Bookmarked Ongoing Status

I became a god by treasure hunting after arriving 500 years early novel is a popular light novel covering Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Sci-fi, Supernatural genres. Written by the author Finally Eternal. 291 chapters have been translated and translation of other chapters are in progress.


The Supernatural era descended, the rules changed, mystery arrived, and the world altered.

Countless ruins of civilization emerged, and an abundance of Heavenly Materials and Earthly Treasures lay at everyone's fingertips.

Radical faction, "This is the best of times, entering a new world, excavating relics, mass evolution!"

Conservative, "This is the worst of times, with countless monsters outside, once you leave the Safe Zone, extinction awaits humanity!"

Meanwhile, at a remote ruin, Lu Yuan successfully discovered new treasures and sought after the mysterious wealth, desperately trying to contact his fellow Earthlings.

"Found a communicator, can it get through?"

"Hey, humans—I'm almost becoming a god, and you're still hiding in the Safe Zone?"

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