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How To Survive A Calamity
How To Survive A Calamity

How To Survive A Calamity

143 Chapters 1556 Views 149 Bookmarked Ongoing Status

How To Survive A Calamity novel is a popular light novel covering Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Mystery, Romance genres. Written by the author Peas_and_Carrots. 143 chapters have been translated and translation of other chapters are in progress.


"On that day, Zach Harper died-"

Or at least that was how it was supposed to be.

I died.

But there was good news, and bad news.

The good news; I was reincarnated!

Transmigrated into the World of Aethoria!

Holy fuck, miracles do happen!

But the bad news was,

"Huh? What's this?"



A New Quest has been issued:-


Name:- Quest To Becoming Stronger:


The {Great Calamity} is coming...Get stronger and survive.

Duration-: ...

Reward:- ...

Penalty:- Death, ???  ]


I had to survive.

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