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Hong Huang: I Kept Offering Poisonous Plans! Hou Tu Urged Me to Calm Down
Hong Huang: I Kept Offering Poisonous Plans! Hou Tu Urged Me to Calm Down

Hong Huang: I Kept Offering Poisonous Plans! Hou Tu Urged Me to Calm Down

38 Chapters 193 Views 38 Bookmarked Ongoing Status


Hong Huang: I Kept Offering Poisonous Plans! Hou Tu Urged Me to Calm Down novel is a popular light novel covering Other genres. Written by the author NovelFire. 38 chapters have been translated and translation of other chapters are in progress.


After transmigrating to Hong Huang and becoming a minor shaman in Hou Tu’s tribe, Chu Xuan shocked everyone by repeatedly offering poisonous plans in order to avoid becoming Cannon Fodder in the Great Calamity.

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