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Great At Acting, Now I’m Reborn
Great At Acting, Now I’m Reborn

Great At Acting, Now I’m Reborn

119 Chapters 147 Views 29 Bookmarked Ongoing Status

Great At Acting, Now I’m Reborn novel is a popular light novel covering Drama, Romance, Shounen Ai genres. Written by the author 偏翩. 119 chapters have been translated and translation of other chapters are in progress.


Zhou Yuhe was bad at acting, but it didn’t matter. His stunning beauty in his youth made him never lack in resources in the industry.

Until his face was destroyed in a fire;

Zhou Yuhe had a bad face, but he didn’t care. The popularity of tens of thousands of fans from when he was young allowed him choose among the most popular scripts and cultivate himself back to the top.

15 years later, he acted with Liu Xiaosheng in the remake of his old drama, and burned to death;

Someone ruined his face and acting career with a big fire,

Then he was killed by another fire.

It is a pity for them that Zhou Yuhe didn’t die.

He returned to before the first fire with extraordinary acting skills that he had cultivated for fifteen years.

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