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Gang of Yuusha
Gang of Yuusha

Gang of Yuusha

33 Chapters 174 Views 17 Bookmarked Ongoing Status

Gang of Yuusha novel is a popular light novel covering Adult, Fantasy, Harem, Mature, Romance, Seinen genres. Written by the author Nanairo Kasuga | 七色春日. 33 chapters have been translated and translation of other chapters are in progress.


Shouji, who was born in a poor family, had the qualities of a “yuusha”.

However, he was passing his days as a sloth, drowning himself in alcohol and potions(drugs). While relying on only violence to make a living, he encountered a girl who is a talented alchemist, but also mired in debt.

Potions created by this little girl were mind-blowing as it had the highest purity he had seen. It was a product that was worth loads.

He was through with fame and honor. He no longer had the desire to only make money to live as his purpose.

He felt it wouldn’t be so bad to smuggle those potions in the underground world of crime and drugs.

Brewing this restorative item that gets people high, in search of dirty money and comrades for his gang, hanging onto the potions that let him loose, the mad “yuusha” challenged the demons who are hidden in this demi-world.

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