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Evil Dragon: The young dragon I picked up keeps planning on becoming an empress
Evil Dragon: The young dragon I picked up keeps planning on becoming an empress

Evil Dragon: The young dragon I picked up keeps planning on becoming an empress

228 Chapters 317 Views 46 Bookmarked Ongoing Status

Evil Dragon: The young dragon I picked up keeps planning on becoming an empress novel is a popular light novel covering Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Romance genres. Written by the author The evil dragon left. 228 chapters have been translated and translation of other chapters are in progress.


"I turned into a young dragon and was captured and raised by an Evil Dragon. As we spent more time together, I noticed that the way the Evil Dragon looked at me started to become increasingly odd.

It seemed... he was raising me as if I were his wife!"

Princess Lucia, transformed into a young dragon, wrote down her discovery with trembling hands in her notebook.

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