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Everlasting dream (18+)
Everlasting dream (18+)

Everlasting dream (18+)

93 Chapters 2643 Views 213 Bookmarked Ongoing Status

Everlasting dream (18+) novel is a popular light novel covering Adult, Drama, Ecchi, Fantasy, Isekai, Mature, Romance, Smut genres. Written by the author jrell. 93 chapters have been translated and translation of other chapters are in progress.


A boy from Earth finds himself reincarnated into a world full of magic, a world as beautiful as it is horrifying. Fate brings him together with his new loving mother and sister, and they face the trials together as a family. Follow their incredible story as they struggle to survive and create a better life for themselves.

18+ Warning:

This novel contains explicit adult themes and "complex" relationships between family members. However, if you're here only for NSFW content, you will likely be disappointed. It's a large, character-driven, slow-burn novel, so expect a lot of details, a slow pace, and big chapters. If it is not something you like, please kindly ignore this title.

Release schedules may vary based on my inspiration, so please be patient and remember to return for new updates.

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