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Even Posing as a Hero is Easy–Why? Cause I’m a God–
Even Posing as a Hero is Easy–Why? Cause I’m a God–

Even Posing as a Hero is Easy–Why? Cause I’m a God–

284 Chapters 838 Views 16 Bookmarked Ongoing Status

Even Posing as a Hero is Easy–Why? Cause I’m a God– novel is a popular light novel covering Action, Adventure, Comedy, Ecchi, Fantasy, Harem, Romance, Slice of Life genres. Written by the author Hirou Konpai. 284 chapters have been translated and translation of other chapters are in progress.


One of the 8 million gods, Keika Hiko-no-Mikoto failed at gaining believers in Japan.

He got thrown off to another world when he was going back to Heaven in disappointment.

That other world, Alexsild, had been mostly seized by the demon king.

Mysteriously, Keika who should have been invisible to other people could be seen normally like a normal human.

And then, a princess knight told him that he could ascend to Godhood if he piled up achievements as a hero.

Keika decided to defeat the demon king and become a God in that world.

By the way, unlike other people, Keika can see the ability values of people.

He can also see Skill Tree.

Why? Cause he’s a God.

The travel journal of God Keika as a hero begins–

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