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108 Chapters 378 Views 16 Bookmarked Ongoing Status

Ecdysis novel is a popular light novel covering Action, Adult, Adventure, Fantasy, Harem, Mature, Psychological, Romance, Sci-fi genres. Written by the author Snusmumriken. 108 chapters have been translated and translation of other chapters are in progress.


Erf paid the price for his power, even if it was too much. He received a boon, even if it was too great. And now he needs to survive in an alien world while ensuring the safety of his estranged family. As the world will push him deeper and deeper into his shell.

But all shells eventually break. The question is — what will emerge from it?

This is the second book of my "Forgotten Dream of Tana" series that continues the story of Erf in a different world. While knowing the first is preferable for maximum enjoyment, it is designed to be read as stand-alone. This is an adult story for a mature audience — expect a similar style as the original story, but the plot continues and, with it, the new tags emerge.

The story is only published on ScribbleHub and QuestionableQuesting Forum, any reproductions outside of those two websites were done without my approval or consent.

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