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Drop!! ~A Tale of the Fragrance Princess~ (LN)
Drop!! ~A Tale of the Fragrance Princess~ (LN)

Drop!! ~A Tale of the Fragrance Princess~ (LN)

134 Chapters 381 Views 10 Bookmarked Completed Status

Drop!! ~A Tale of the Fragrance Princess~ (LN) novel is a popular light novel covering Fantasy, Romance, Shoujo, Slice of Life genres. Written by the author Shimizu Yukiko | 紫水ゆきこ. 134 chapters have been translated and translation of all chapters was completed.


When she wandered the border of life and death at the age of three, Cordelia realized that she had been reincarnated into a game she had used to play as a high handed noble girl. A dark future would await her if she fell in love with the Prince. Therefore, for the sake of a normal life, there was no road but to avoid the powerful prince and the heroine…… But just doing that would be boring. She finally was blessed with a beautiful appearance so she resolved to polish herself, firstly by beginning to study herbology…… This is that kind of story.

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