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128 Chapters 532 Views 61 Bookmarked Ongoing Status

Dreambreaker novel is a popular light novel covering Sci-fi, Romance, Action, Adult, Smut, Comedy, Slice of Life genres. Written by the author DryImagination1. 128 chapters have been translated and translation of other chapters are in progress.


I smile. I know I smile. I just don't know when.“Entropy?” After all, the blood in my veins dried up decades ago, only dust remains.“Ephemera?” My begging longingness—all of my dreams, devoured by void. Left is but an empty shell—hollow inside.“Life?” Paradox.“Death?” Cold, but equal for all. Just like the blood in my heart's arteries and veins— frozen—time immemorial.“Universe?” Its fabric—time and space, wrapped around like some illusion, a grand simulation—just like that dream...faint, but there.“Dream?” I couldn't tell...very...disorderly like chaos, like silhouette in the mist, hard to capture, it's memory very faint.“Home?”“Home?”“Are you there?”...***Reality fiction.

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