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Devouring Evolution: I Reborn as an Arctic Wolf
Devouring Evolution: I Reborn as an Arctic Wolf

Devouring Evolution: I Reborn as an Arctic Wolf

586 Chapters 4399 Views 167 Bookmarked Ongoing Status

Devouring Evolution: I Reborn as an Arctic Wolf novel is a popular light novel covering Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Sci-fi genres. Written by the author Who's Ridiculous. 586 chapters have been translated and translation of other chapters are in progress.


When a satellite photo of the Arctic was sent back to the countries, the people of the earth were shocked by the content of the photo.

They saw thousands of wolves in the Arctic, which even included hundreds of polar bears and Arctic silver foxes, all uniformly looking obedient.

On the top of the snowy mountain, a giant Arctic wolf, whose size exceeded everyone's imagination, was looking down on the Arctic ice field from a high position.

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