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Dark Matter Ascension
Dark Matter Ascension

Dark Matter Ascension

37 Chapters 312 Views 74 Bookmarked Ongoing Status

Dark Matter Ascension novel is a popular light novel covering Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Sci-fi genres. Written by the author SerasStreams. 37 chapters have been translated and translation of other chapters are in progress.


One week. If you survive, you choose a Cosmic Power...If you survive.

Jace isn't one to give up. Not when his sister dies. Not when he loses his legs. And definitely not when The Cosmic System takes over Earth.

With nothing more than his street smarts, the clothes on his back, and a river otter companion; he must survive a planet full of vicious predators that see him as an easy meal.

If he can survive? He gets to choose a Cosmic Power and a Class. A path to ascension. A way to bring his sister back.

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