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Dark and Light Martial Emperor
Dark and Light Martial Emperor

Dark and Light Martial Emperor

1074 Chapters 1920 Views 85 Bookmarked Ongoing Status

Dark and Light Martial Emperor novel is a popular light novel covering Action, Adventure, Fantasy genres. Written by the author No Name. 1074 chapters have been translated and translation of other chapters are in progress.


Dark and Light Martial Emperor Light Novel Description: Yeon Hojeong, the first to unite the dark factions as the leader of the Unorthodox Faction, collaborates with the Orthodox Faction to overcome the chaos of the Three Cults. However, he meets an untimely end, entangled in the schemes of the Murim Alliance Leader. “This really is my home!” When he opens his eyes, he finds himself in the prestigious and once-destroyed Yeon Clan, a place he never forgot. “I won’t make a mistake this time. Never again.” Determined to prevent the fall of his family and the future upheaval caused by the Three Cults, he embarks on a relentless journey! This is the struggle of Yeon Hojeong, the eldest son, to unite the martial world. Monochrome Sovereign Novel, Emperador marcial de la luz y oscuridad Novel, Emperador marcial del sol y la luna Novel, 黑白武帝, 흑백무제

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