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Dancing on the golden ashes
Dancing on the golden ashes

Dancing on the golden ashes

133 Chapters 149 Views 75 Bookmarked Ongoing Status

Dancing on the golden ashes novel is a popular light novel covering Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Mature genres. Written by the author Aurimas_Pazikas. 133 chapters have been translated and translation of other chapters are in progress.


"If the world stands in my way, if people threaten me or those who are dear to me, then I shall become the true darkness, the fear in their hearts that haunts them forever!"

Lee Gaon was a professional gamer until one day she was framed as a cheater by a big gaming company and betrayed by those she held dear. Now she is known as Death Eater, a powerful dark entity in the game system world, slicing her enemies in half if they dare mess with her. Her path is now filled with blood and adventure as she desperately tries to find all who were dragged with her into this world—those who destroyed her life. She has only one goal now... "Revenge!"

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