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Daily Life RPG System
Daily Life RPG System

Daily Life RPG System

106 Chapters 634 Views 92 Bookmarked Ongoing Status

Daily Life RPG System novel is a popular light novel covering Action, Comedy, Mystery, Slice of Life genres. Written by the author Daily Life RPG System. 106 chapters have been translated and translation of other chapters are in progress.


Hiro transmigrates and finds himself in the body of an orphan that’s about to be evicted from his orphanage. It wasn’t anything personal, but the orphanage’s policy doesn’t accommodate children who have reached the age of 16.

From the gates of that humble establishment, Hiro slowly explores the facets of this world that was both familiar and unfamiliar due to its uncanny resemblance to his previous world—Earth.

With his Daily Life RPG System urging him to excel in every aspect of his daily life, Hiro marks his presence in both the mundane and mystical circles of this new world.

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