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Contract Marriage: Love Has Finally Arrived
Contract Marriage: Love Has Finally Arrived

Contract Marriage: Love Has Finally Arrived

133 Chapters 293 Views 18 Bookmarked Ongoing Status

Contract Marriage: Love Has Finally Arrived novel is a popular light novel covering Action, Drama, Fantasy, Gender Bender genres. Written by the author Dai Mier. 133 chapters have been translated and translation of other chapters are in progress.


Her first encounter with Qin Sijue is an unexpected one. While trying to hide from her pursuers, she accidentally barges into his changing room. Yet, their paths crosses again fatefully—after a fake marriage, she legally becomes his bride. She imagines that they will only interact before the agreement ends, after which they would have nothing to do with each other. However, Qin Sijue comes over with two red booklets—their wedding certificate. “Take them for an appraisal and see if they’re real”.

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