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Chronicles of the Demon Faction
Chronicles of the Demon Faction

Chronicles of the Demon Faction

650 Chapters 1512 Views 78 Bookmarked Ongoing Status

Chronicles of the Demon Faction novel is a popular light novel covering Action, Adventure, Drama, Martial Arts genres. Written by the author No Name. 650 chapters have been translated and translation of other chapters are in progress.


Chronicles of the Demon Faction Light Novel Description: Chun Hajin, the strongest assassin of the Orthodox Murim’s Righteous Heavenly Alliance. Hajin loses his life as he tries to escape to find freedom. And then… ‘The divine cult is immortal, may all demons submit. Congratulations on your recovery, third young master!’ He was reincarnated into the body of Murim’s public enemy, the third young master of the Demonic Cult?! The conquest of the Demonic Murim by Chun Hajin, the strongest secret weapon of the Orthodox Murim, begins now. 마도전생기

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