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Beyond Chaos – A DiceRPG
Beyond Chaos – A DiceRPG

Beyond Chaos – A DiceRPG

1186 Chapters 3068 Views 66 Bookmarked Ongoing Status

Beyond Chaos – A DiceRPG novel is a popular light novel covering Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Isekai, Mature, Slice of Life genres. Written by the author thetaibot. 1186 chapters have been translated and translation of other chapters are in progress.


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“I’m alive...again?”

Adam died and was brought into a fantasy world. Then he died again, and has been reborn into a new (?) fantasy world. His life, as before, is in the hands of the dice. Come and join Adam as he rolls his way in and out of trouble. 

The story has a very slow pace, and has elements of really light hearted, wholesome stuff, and really dark, gruesome stuff. 

Sequel/Reboot of Beyond Average. You don't need to read Beyond Average, but it will explain a lot about Adam.

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