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Becoming evil makes you ten times stronger, but becoming a demon gives you hundredfold strength
Becoming evil makes you ten times stronger, but becoming a demon gives you hundredfold strength

Becoming evil makes you ten times stronger, but becoming a demon gives you hundredfold strength

191 Chapters 563 Views 108 Bookmarked Ongoing Status

Becoming evil makes you ten times stronger, but becoming a demon gives you hundredfold strength novel is a popular light novel covering Action, Adventure, Xianxia genres. Written by the author Zhang Yu. 191 chapters have been translated and translation of other chapters are in progress.


Meng Yu's Golden Finger was called "Corruption Strengthens Tenfold, Becoming a Demon Strengthens Hundredfold," both extremely fierce and convenient to use.

"Those who consume Qi are divine and long-lived, constructing the foundation of ten-thousand generations, and on the day they achieve immortality ('Dan'), they break the self of yesteryears ('Infant'), transforming into heaven and earth, thus becoming immortals."

This is the eternally correct tale of the Qi Refinement Practitioner Meng Yu's grand cultivation adventure.

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