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Archmage from Another World: Gaining Administrator Access [LitRPG Isekai]
Archmage from Another World: Gaining Administrator Access [LitRPG Isekai]

Archmage from Another World: Gaining Administrator Access [LitRPG Isekai]

35 Chapters 198 Views 41 Bookmarked Ongoing Status

Archmage from Another World: Gaining Administrator Access [LitRPG Isekai] novel is a popular light novel covering Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Isekai, Romance, Slice of Life genres. Written by the author Etheric. 35 chapters have been translated and translation of other chapters are in progress.


Transported into a world where just about anybody can receive the prestigious title of Mage, Morgana is equally baffled and outraged. She spent the better part of twenty-two years holed up in alcoves, poring over spell formulae and memorizing the forty-three Primary Astolian Paradigms, all for the opportunity to study at the Ivory Institute and gain access to those primordial, inscrutable powers. And here, they're dropped into people's laps? Ridiculous.

Morgana doesn't know how she's arrived here, why everyone is so bone-headedly ignorant to the fundamentals of magic, and especially what this strange 'System' is, coddling even 'archmages' with the simplest of spell constructions, but she's going to find out.

In the meantime, there's plenty of fascinating things to study. Dungeons, artifacts, classes, skills, and spells—all obviously created by some Grand Architect using a language that, apparently, only Morgana is familiar with. Beyond gaining insights into the arcane, which she's devoted her life to decoding, there might be something incredible to glean inside all these expertly hidden mechanisms.

Something bigger than she could imagine.

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