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Amelia Thornheart
Amelia Thornheart

Amelia Thornheart

66 Chapters 392 Views 26 Bookmarked Ongoing Status

Amelia Thornheart novel is a popular light novel covering Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Historical, Isekai, Mature, Mystery, Romance genres. Written by the author Keene. 66 chapters have been translated and translation of other chapters are in progress.


After years of fighting a terrible disease, Amelia finds herself transported into a mysterious world, right into the quarters of a demon captain! Free from her years of suffering, Amelia decides to face this new reality with optimism and cheerfulness!

Strangely, she seems to have a new body, retaining all the abilities of her game character she spent years levelling in the hospital! However, wasn't that character a demonic combat mage? Who's this pretty blond woman she's become!?

Well, never mind! Better not let the demons know of her titanic combat capabilities, instead maybe her modest healing abilities could be provided as a service? Hang on, I'm not a spy, or an assassin!

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