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Academy's Silver Gatekeeper
Academy's Silver Gatekeeper

Academy's Silver Gatekeeper

5 Chapters 142 Views 64 Bookmarked Ongoing Status


Academy's Silver Gatekeeper novel is a popular light novel covering Other genres. Written by the author 퐁당. 5 chapters have been translated and translation of other chapters are in progress.


"I Possessed the Academy's Silver-Rank Examiner."

I was on the verge of becoming someone who'd be pushed around by students left and right...

[Silver Gatekeeper]

"No one can pass without the Gatekeeper’s permission."

I awakened an absurdly overpowered trait.

TN: This novel follows a protagonist who becomes a rank examiner, tasked with evaluating students at an academy to determine whether they are worthy of advancing from Bronze to Silver rank. Known as the Silver Gatekeeper, he has the authority to decide which students can progress. As a gatekeeper, he possesses overpowered abilities, making him powerful when fighting on the examination field.

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