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A New Born Devil?
A New Born Devil?

A New Born Devil?

110 Chapters 709 Views 77 Bookmarked Ongoing Status

A New Born Devil? novel is a popular light novel covering Action, Comedy, Ecchi, Harem, Romance, School Life, Slice of Life, Supernatural genres. Written by the author Harem-Fan. 110 chapters have been translated and translation of other chapters are in progress.


Hello, I am Ray Gremory, and I think... I killed Rias Gremory...

I am the second son of Duke Zeoticus and Duchess Venelana Gremory. I apparently was born when Rias should have been. I am the only other child my parents have, so that is why I said I killed Rias Gremory. Oh, and my older brother is the Devil King, Sirzechs Lucifer, that I am constantly compared to because I was also born a Super Devil, sigh. How do I know I took Rias's spot? Because when I was 4 years old, I was kicked in the head by one of our family camels and regained a few of my past life's memories. Damn, I forgot most of the story-line of my new world, so nothing is going right in my new life. "Please God help me..." *PAIN*... "Ouch, Damn you God!"

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