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A Gunslinger’s System in a World of Magic
A Gunslinger’s System in a World of Magic

A Gunslinger’s System in a World of Magic

256 Chapters 2411 Views 167 Bookmarked Ongoing Status

A Gunslinger’s System in a World of Magic novel is a popular light novel covering Action, Adventure, Fantasy genres. Written by the author Nate_Quinn. 256 chapters have been translated and translation of other chapters are in progress.


A reputation as ‘The Most Feared Gunslinger In the West’, and the Law hot on his heels, Henry Morgan had lived a full life. So when it all ended with a gunshot to the back of his head, he was quite ready. He embraced death… He embraced his end.

Except it wasn’t the end…

Some mysterious [Powerful Forces that be] wrenched him out of the world he knew and deposited him into the body of a version of himself in a Parallel world. A world where something as ‘impossible’ as Magic apparently exists.

These [Powerful Forces that be] went a step further by granting Henry a System and issuing him strange prompts and Quests that send him down a road of Adventure and bloodshed all so he can etch his name in history and show this world and its many ‘wonders’ just how deadly a Gunslinger can be…

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